Install and Build

These instructions are for installing a Mosaic site on your computer.

Currently the email lists require an account on Contact us to see about adapting the code to your server.

Install the Template site
  1. install the latest OpenJDK (java), PostgreSQL, and Tomcat (version 10.1)
  2. clone or download the template repository
    • if cloned, the directory should be called template and is ready to go
    • if downloaded, there may be an extra level of directory after you uncompress and extract everything from the downloaded file
    • the goal is to find the folder with the web app contents (WEB-INF, META-INF, css, js, .jsp and other files, etc). That folder should be renamed to template if it is called template-master.
  3. move the template folder (with the web app contents) into Tomcat's webapps directory
  4. move the jar files from the vendor repository into the tomcat/lib directory
  5. create a new PostgreSQL database and a user with full access rights
  6. import template.sql into the database using psql -U <username> <database name> < template.sql
  7. edit META-INF/context.xml for the webapp, set the url, username, and password values to match your database
  8. run Tomcat
  9. access the site at http://localhost:8080/template
  1. compile the classes and build the jar files using the included scripts
  2. install the new files into the tomcat webapp
  3. restart tomcat