There are many places on the site where you may see data shown in a form. For example, if you are adding or editing a row in a list, you will be presented with a form for editing the various fields for that row.
- forms are mostly displayed in dialog windows that popup over the page.
- the dialog window may have a close button in the upper right which will close the dialog window without saving any changes.
- most forms have a button at the bottom for completing the filling out of the form. The text for the button varies depending on context. It may be save, add, submit, join, or something similar.
- most forms have a cancel button at the bottom if you don't want to save your changes.
- some forms have a delete button at the bottom left side which can be used to delete that row from the list.
- the fields in a form a arranged in rows. Each field that can be edited may be displayed as a text input, a checkbox, a popup with items to select, a date chooser, a file upload input, a color chooser, etc.
- some text fields have a rich text editor above them with options for formatting the contents of the field similar to a word processing program.
- some fields may have a pencil button above them to the right. Clicking the button pops up a way to edit the available options for the field.
- some fields are actually sublists for a row with the usual add, edit, and delete buttons (or similar, e.g. join and leave). For example, when editing Minutes, there is a sublist for Attachments. These sublists are usually at the bottom of the form.